
Novice Finals

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Novice Semifinals

  • THBT advanced economies should focus on rapid increases in growth, even at the expense of significantly higher rates of inequality
  • Novice Pre-Semifinals

  • THR the rise of "cut-off culture
  • Grand Final

  • This House Hopes that the new civilization never adopts any form of organized religion
  • Semifinals

  • Given the existence of an Artificial General Intelligence, THP that it would be based on virtue ethics and not utilitarian framework
  • Quarterfinals

  • This house supports Nationalism
  • Round 4

  • This house, as ASEAN, Prefers to pursue closer ties with the Quad rather than China
  • Round 3

  • This house supports the shaming of individuals as a tactic for social movements to catalyse change (e.g.c shaming individuals for not taking environmentally sustainable actions, shaming individuals for violating lockdown/quarantine policies)
  • Round 2

  • THW abolish the TRIPS agreement
  • Round 1

  • THO the narrative that people should only enter romantic relationships they anticipate to be sustainable in the long-term